Monday, August 20, 2012

More Canning and Freezing

So we've been doing a fairly good job with preserving our harvest.  We pulled our carrots, and blanched and froze those.   Same with the soy beans.   This weekend we canned 13 pints of pickled peppers, and 7 pints of salsa, this time milder, we didn't include as many fish peppers.
As for eating fresh, our giant 6.5 pound zucchini turned into 2 loaves of zucchini bread, and a chocolate zucchini cake.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dried Beans

So we let all the beans on the Italian Rose bean plants dry, to store as dried beans.  Once the pods changed from their bright red and green color to brown and crackly, we pulled them off.  We removed the beans by hand, and then put into an uncovered bowl to further dry.  In a week or so we'll seal them up in an airtight jar. 
 As you can see, the beans are white with red spots.  But a few beans were the inverse, being red with white spots.