Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Been Too Long

So, my New Year's resolution is to actually update the blog once in a while, if only to keep track of what's happening for my own records...

So, we still have 4 hens, one turned out to be a rooster so we gave him to a friend. They just finished their first molt and are starting to pick back up on their egg production. We are planning on adding 4 little chicks to the flock this year, and need to expand the run and the coop to accommodate the expanding flock. We had two hens go broody this summer, so my plan is to let one hen be a mama to the little chicks we get this spring.

We built 2 raised vegetable beds in the front yard last year and have plans to add 2 more this spring. We have a strawberry and blueberry patch in the front yard as well. The side yard has our blackberry and raspberry bed.

Right now, the front beds are covered for the winter. One bed has 4 rows of garlic that just sprouted in the last week. Currently trying to plan out what vegetables will go where this spring and starting to place orders for the seeds and plants that we will need.

I will post more, I promise! And will have pictures next time too!