Saturday, April 24, 2010

Our little Homestead!

So, my first post!

I guess I'll just quickly introduce myself! My husband (J), our puggle Hoosick, and I moved into our home almost a year ago. We have a cute little house on just under an acre of land. We've been renovating the interior since we moved and it finally looks GREAT! Now, with Spring approaching, we've started on the outside!!

I was laid off in June of 2009, just a few months before our wedding in September. We went on our honeymoon (2 week road trip out west) and when we got home being unemployed really got to me. To pass the time, in between looking for a new job (started on Feb 1 and loving it!) and finishing renovations, I started researching and planning edible landscaping - berry bushes and veggies throughout the areas where we actually get enough sun.

I then found a lot of info on raising backyard chickens and was totally SOLD on the idea. Selling J on the idea, though, took a little (lot!) of time, and research. He finally said if I could get permission from the township and neighbors we could get a few. I know he was thinking that at least one would say "No" but they all said "Sure!" and just before Easter we got 4 little chicks - 2 Rhode Island Reds and 2 Barred Rocks.

So, now we are raising our 4 little babies, I'm building a chicken coop, and we're (im)patiently waiting for it to get warm enough to plant our flowers and veggies.

I'll post "then" and "now" pictures of the chickies in my next post!