Something got into the pen and killed all our chickens.
I'm devastated. I was expecting to find an egg today but instead I was met with mass chicken murder.
Based on the scene and everything I've read it was a weasel attack. I didn't even know there were weasels in Pennsylvania....
Anyway, I'm going to reinforce the chicken pen hardcore and try again. With 2 RIR and 2 Barred Rocks.
I'm just so broken-hearted, I've been crying all night. They were looking so beautiful, really just looking perfect and they were going to start laying any day. I didn't even realize how much it would affect me, I guess they were really growing on me.
RIP Little Chicken Flock
This blog is about a suburban couple trying to live a more sustainable life. It started with a few pots of tomatoes in the front yard and has grown to 5 chickens, a huge vegetable garden, berry patches, a fruit orchard, canning, beer brewing, and more!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Our recycled Chicken Pen and Coop. When we moved in, there was a dog house and run that was left behind - so we moved it to the backyard, reinforced the pen, and altered the doghouse to be chicken friendly! Looks pretty good - chickies are happy - and didn't cost much money! Can't ask for more :)
All of our Chickies
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